We teach our daughters to defend themselves.

When they do, should they be punished?

March 2017 (Scroll down for Feb. 11, 2020 update.)

On March 11, 2017, 21-year-old Amber Joy Angelovic was the victim of a violent assault by a 32-year-old man with whom she was acquainted.

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In defending herself, Amber first tried to reason and plead with the attacker. She then tried using the techniques she had learned during her previous self-defense training. But her 5′-5″ frame was no match for his significant height (6’3″) and strength advantage. Fearing death, she resorted to force that left the attacker with an eventual fatal injury.

The moment Amber was safe, she dialed 911. The police arrived, handcuffed her, and took her to the police station. She was arrested for homicide, sent to jail, and charged with murder.

Amber’s family and friends are in total shock. This bright, ambitious young woman – a straight “A” student who had just graduated from college 90 days earlier – a Christian girl from a loving family – was charged with murder because she refused to be a victim.

The fact that 20 families banded together to raise one million dollars ($1,000,000) cash for Amber’s bail is a testimony to her character.

As of January 2020, nearly three years later, we continue to wait, pray, and hope for the best. In the meantime, legal debt is piling up. If this case goes to trial, Amber’s family could easily owe over a quarter of a million dollars.


Click here to find out how to donate

We can’t fight this battle without your help.

Send the message to women everywhere that they should not be punished for refusing to be a victim.

Feb 11, 2020 Update

Amber Angel

We are beyond thrilled to announce that Amber’s case has been dismissed!

The OCDA stated: “The People…are now convinced Ms. Angelovic had a lawful right to self-defense…The People are making a motion to dismiss based on lack of evidence and in the interest of justice.”

It was humbling and touching to experience the prayers and support from people all over the world. We owe you such a debt of gratitude.

We are struggling to find the right words at the moment. After 3 years, we will need some time to process, heal and celebrate. Thank you for walking this difficult road with us.

Michael, Angela and Amber Angelovic


Click here to find out how to donate to relieve Amber’s legal debt.